Submission Deadline
January 5, 2022
Notification of
About 7 days
after submission
Registration Deadline
January 12, 2022
Conference Date
January 16-17, 2022
Congratulations! AMEES2022 has been held online via Tencent Meeting on January 17, 2022 successfully. Thank you very much for your support and participation!
Important News: AMEES2022 will be held online due to recent coronavirus outbreak travel restrictions. We apologize for any inconvenience caused to you. The detailed information will be sent to your email as soon as possible. If you have any question, please contact us at any time.
2022 International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science (AMEES2022) will be held on January 16-17, 2022, Changsha, China. Sincerely invite professors, scholars and experts to join in AMEES2022, which serves as the most important forum for researchers and practitioners to exchange latest advantages in theories, technologies, and applications of swarm intelligence and related areas.
The workshop will address and deliberate on the latest technical status and recent trends in the research and applications of Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science and related areas. We warmly welcome prospective authors to submit their new research or technological contributions to AMEES2022, for sharing valuable experiences with scientists and students from around the world.
The goal of this workshop is to provide a platform for scholars and researchers from worldwide to share their latest research achievements, discuss hot issues and exchange the new experiences and technologies in field of Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science as well as establish new collaborations. Sincerely invite your participation to AMEES2022 and share findings now!
2022 International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science (AMEES2022) is an excellent forum for people who have certain research in this filed
All submissions will be blind reviewed by the Program Committee on the basis of technical quality, relevance to conference topics of interest, originality, significance, and clarity. All accepted papers for AMEES2022 will be published on Conference Proceedings, and submitted for EI Compendex, Scopus, Inspec, CPCI, DOAJ, Crossref and Google Scholar Indexing.
1. All the submissions of AMEES2022 should be full English and unpublished at anywhere.
2. Double Blind reviewing will be adopted to ensure a high-quality of the Conference and the Proceeding.
3. Review comments will be communicated to you and you may require to do necessary revisions and send revised paper on or before prescribed day.
4. AMEES2022 uses the iThenticate software to detect all the submitted papers.
All paper submissions to 2022 International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science (AMEES2022) should be written in English according to the Template. Each paper will be peer reviewed by 2-3 experts and evaluated based on originality, technical or research content or depth, correctness, relevance to conference, contributions, and readability. It takes 5-10 working days for the result coming out. Warmly invite you to submit your academic papers to AMEES2022.
1. Download the Paper Template to format submitted paper.
2. Please download the Submission Form, fill in your information.
3. Submit papers to [email protected] or [email protected] before January 5, 2022.
Biography: Dr. Osman Adiguzel graduated from Department of Physics, Ankara University, Turkey in 1974 and received PhD- degree from Dicle University, Diyarbakir-Turkey. He studied at Surrey University, Guildford, UK, as a post doctoral research scientist in 1986-1987, and his studies focused on shape memory alloys. He worked as research assistant, 1975-80, at Dicle University and shifted to Firat University in 1980. He became professor in 1996, and he has been retired due to the age limit of 67; following academic life of 45 years.
He published over 60 papers in international and national journals; He joined over 120 conferences and symposia in international and national level as Plenary Speaker, Keynote Speaker, Invited speaker, speaker or Poster presenter. He served the program chair or conference chair/co-chair in some of these activities. In particular, he joined in last even years (2014 - 2020) over 80 conferences as Speaker, Keynote Speaker......
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Join AMEES2022 as Author:
If you want to shar
News 11: AMEES2022 has been held online on January 17, 2022. Thank you for all attendees!
News 10: We'll open a test room for authors from 10:00 to 10:30 (Jan. 14th). You can enter password and test your own PowerPoint, video and audio.
News 9: AMEES2022 Conference Program has been sent to Authors and Keynote Speakers' email. Check your email for details.
News 8: AMEES2022 will be held Online on January 17, 2022. Sincerely invite all authors to join us and give reports. If you are in special situation, please contact us.
News 7: AMEES2022 has entered the official list of
(View Here)!
News 6: AMEES2022 has entered the official list of WikiCFP (View Here)!
News 5: Submit your English paper to [email protected] before January 5, 2022. Looking forward to your submission!
News 4: Sincere invite you to join in AMEES2022 for sharing and publishing.
News 3: Sincere invite authors in Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science areas to join us as Reviewers! (Check)
News 2: If you have any question, please do not hesitate to contact us. (Check)
News 1: Conference schedule has been updated now, you can check it on Conference Schedule.
e you latest research results by giving oral/poster presentation and publish papers on AMEES2022, you can submit your full English paper to [email protected] before the deadline January 5, 2022. You will also have a chance to hear about ideas from attendees in related fields.
Join AMEES2022 as Listener:
You are also warmly welcomed to take part in AMEES2022 as a listener even though you have no paper to submit. You’ll have a chance to deepen your knowledge in the field of Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science. If you are interested to be listener, please send your request to [email protected] and complete the registration now.
Join AMEES2022 as Reviewer:
To maintain the high quality of the conference and the proceedings, we sincerely invite experts from the areas of Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science to participate this conference as reviewer. If you have any interest, please send your latest CV and photo to [email protected].
Copyright © 2022 International Workshop on Advanced Materials, Energy and Environment Science (AMEES2022)